Bankovní poradna zdarma Podvod

Podvod - strana 28

nekalé obchodní praktiky na hranicí zákona, podomní prodej, prodej po telefonu, MLM (multi-level marketing), předváděcí akce, šmejdi, nedodané zboží, internetové bazary, tajemná dědictví v zahraničí, jak z nás podvodníci tahají peníze?

Běžný účet s bonusem 3 000 Kč

Clo za balík ze zahraničí

28.11.2022 Podvod

Dobrý den, přišel mi email, abych zaplatila clo za balík. Opravdu jsem čekala balík z Číny. Zadala jsem platebni udaje, ale banka mi platbu zamítla. Zachránilo mě to? Nebo už mají kvůli tomu všechny mé údaje k účtu? Co bych měla nyní udělat? Děkuji


24.11.2022 Podvod

Dobrý den, je to podvod? Support Binance napísali: Hello. You have received a payment in the amount of USD 30.000.00 which has been sent to your transit wallet. link Code: 1XP09JSP Since you have not yet received large cryptocurrency payments to your wallet, it cannot accept a transaction of this size. The money is in your transit wallet, but this transaction cannot be confirmed because your limit is lower than the arrival amount. To increase the limit, you need to have an initial transaction of 15% ($4.500.00 USD) in bitcoins equivalent to the block in which the transaction resides within 96 hours: The entire amount of $30.000.00 and your remittance of $4.500.00 will be automatically returned to your wallet number within 1 work day. 1. Transfer $4,500.00 to your Binance account. 2. Buy bitcoins for the full amount. 3. Send bitcoin to your assigned transit wallet which we will send you after the confirmation of your financial rotation. After going through this process, you should send a confirmation email with the words APPROVE, after which the Binance system will automatically send an email with a crypto wallet in which you should make a speculative transaction to increase your limit *Pay attention:This is NOT PAYMENT! The amount of reserve required is only to increase your limits. The period of free storage of funds in our transit account is 3 days, after which you will be charged a storage fee. If you have any further questions, please reply to this email and we will get back to you. Like Weasley.Binance Transit Transfer Department.


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